Thursday, March 26, 2009

Coming Home... has put together a really interesting project, called "Coming Home," collecting the stories of U.S. soldiers during the current war. Some reveal the military's neglect for soldiers well-being, others prove that some soldiers never should have been in combat, and others just show the destruction the war has caused on many lives. These articles do have some language and those you object to you do not have to read. You have the choice of any of the articles in their project, acknowledging that you need to keep this school appropriate. Even if you choose a piece with language, we cannot have you repeating it unless you do it in a mature and scholarly fashion.

Here is the link to the "Coming Home" page:

Questions/Ideas to Explore:
  • Tell us about your soldier that you read about?
  • What were some of the positive portrayals of the military?
  • What were some of the negatives?
  • How did the war affect the soldier(s) you read about?
  • From this project, what ideas/feelings/thoughts about the war do you think Salon was trying to establish in publishing these stories?
  • If you still have time, read other stories before returning to the checklist of things you needed to make up (if you have not finished).


  1. Adam Lieberman was a solider who tried to commit suicide and failed. Some positive portrayals were that he was not charged for writing on the wall, his mom worked out a deal with the army. Some negatives were that he did not make any progress and is still having a hard time. The war effected this soldier so bad that he was willing to take his own life and leave a suicide not. He just couldn't take it anymore. I think that the thing they were trying to get to was that some soldiers just cant take some of the pressure.

  2. John Needham. Some positive portrayals of the military are it makes you tougher, and it teaches you how to survive and stand up for yourself. Negative portrayals include missing your family and friends, depression, and injuries/death. The war caused John to become extremely depressed, so he had to take pills. He wanted to go home, but his srg told him to suck it up.Then they got into a fight about it. I think that Salon was trying to show what happens to some people who go into war, and try to influence people to think about it before they go in.

  3. the solider I read about is pvt.Adam Liberman and his attempt to commit suicide.There was no positive potrayals of the army,his commanders blamed it on personality disorder,anxiety disorder,and alcohol abuse.Every thing about the story was negative because they overlooked what was the true problem.It affected him because it made it want to kill him was trying to show you the bad affects of the war.

  4. "He hears sounds which seem to be voices"
    wow i think that this was horrible. he had no right to do that to her she was just a child and thought she could trust him. i also think that they should have put him in jail instead of the army because that is to much freedom and he does not deserve that. i know that the army is important and they need more soldiers but they dont need to get the people that should be in jail because that person could kill another solider. this really kinda gives me a different look about everything cause the people that serve our country could be killers jus like the guy i just read about. i mean not only did he kill her he also raped he and to me this is way wrong!!!!

  5. The soldier that i wrote about was Heidi Liberman. I dont really think that the military has any positive things about it but it has a few negative things about it. In the military they dont really watch out for their soldiers and many people commit suicide to themselves which is really sad. The war affected the slodiers that i worte about becase it lead to many soldiers commiting suicide to each year and it causes some people to become depressed. The ideas that i think Salon was trying to establish is that when you go to the military you have to make wise decisions. You have to think on if the military is really for you or will it just make u become stressed and make your life more worse than it is already. There are a lot of imporatnt things that you should think on about the military so that you could make a wise decision. You do not want to make joining the military a bad decision that you make in your life because then you will regret it later in life.

  6. I read "Who I'd like to meet: Al Capone, Hitler" and i was really surprized.The soldier's name is Kenneth Eastridge. Kenneth Eastridge was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder. What i read and what i saw made me really upset. He really portrayed nothing good about the US Army. On Kenneth's myspace page it says that after he got out of jail he joined "the gay ass army" at 19. The war has clearly made him a very angry person. In one of his pictures he is holding up a dead cat saying "killed another iraq pussy". I think Salon was trying to show us how war really effects our soldiers.

  7. I read about Kenneth Eastridge, he was the murder of Kevin shields.Kenneth was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder by the army. He did not portray anything positive about the military, on his myspace he had killing is just what i do.Kenneths myspace photos include giving an apparent white power salute, brandishing weapons, and holding up a dead cat. kenneth ending up dieing i bomb exploded under his vehicle and it threw him clear.

  8. "That young man never should have come into the Army" is about a guy, Eastridge, who pointed his pistol at his girlfriend almost shooting her after having a fight with her prior to the incident. When Eastridge was 12 he shot his friend Billy in the chest. He was playing with his dad's guns and pretending to shoot when he fumbled and pulled the trigger. He dropped out of high school and has almost had his life taken away from him when a bomb hit his humvee and flipped it over with him flying out. Some positive portrayls is that it will teach you disipline. A negative is that it is tough and some people can't handle all the stress it gives you. It probably made him a little more crazy then he already was. I think they were trying to get across that theres is a lot more to war then just killing people. There aren't just goody goodies fighting in the war there are criminals there too and people the psycho problems.

  9. The soldier that i read about had tryed to kill his self. Really i didnt see anything that showed the us army positive. The negative ones were that they think that the soilders cant be humans they have to be more then that not to have feelings or be scared of anything. That these are the reasons that our man should come home. It is not safe for our man to be there they should come home befor everyone trys to kill their self and we not have man to fight for a real war. But it also shows that they are stress out and we need to find ways to make them not so stress out

  10. The solider that was in my article was Ken Eastridge. When he was 12 he accidently killed his friend with his antique shotgun, he plead guilty to reckless homicicde thus making him have to see a counselor.At this early point in his life he already suffered from PTSD.Then he entered the military and his Humvee was bombed causing his hearing to be damaged.

  11. The soldier that i read about was Kenneth Eastridge he did to tours in the army and is in jail for killing a solder. Some positive things that happen in the army for Eastridge

  12. I read about the soldier Robert Marko who was sent to Iraq depsite his psychological problems. In early October 2008, a 14 year old girl named Judilianna Lawrence went missing. Judilianna's mom searched everywhere, including her daughter's myspace where she found that Judilianna and Robert Marko had talked about meeting. When police questioned Marko, he first denied he even knew Judilianna. Finally, on Marko's 21st birthday (Octoer 13), he led the police to a wooded area where they found Judilianna had been raped and her throat slashed.

    I don't know how to feel about the situation. Marko's medical records said that "he heard sounds which seemed to be voices", yet, he was still put in Iraq. I think everyone made some wrong choices, and everyone should be punished in some way.

  13. These pictures make me so sad. just because my big brother is in the war right now. i feel that the last picture is very sick for someone that knew one of those man. think about imagine seeing your son in one of those picture under someone else dead. even knowing that you may not be able to see him every again or how they died and may be left there. it was just a sad time that many people had to deal with
